Nice Exhale Cute redhead on the street in Florence Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Black bob, white mini Here’s another older set Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Non-smoking hotties Couple of old favorites, bleach blonde and brunette with short hair. Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Smoking Friends Here’s some oldies but goodies – also all original. Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Trade show ladies Definitely a strange job – hanging out barely clothed outside a trade show… Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Smoking women of Florence Here’s a small slide show of some old shots from an old Tumblr blog I just deleted. Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Brunette with green eye shadow Smoking brunette with green eye shadow in jeans Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...
Smoking redhead Redhead with a ponytail and a cigarette Share this:TweetShare on TumblrLike this:Like Loading...